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How to clean the Temperature Sensor?

The temperature sensor is delicate and should be handled with care. he temperature sensor should be cleaned once a day. Clean only the ceramic end of the sensor (do not bend the wires) with a DRY scotchbrite pad. Fold the scotchbrite pad around the sensor and gently rub the sensor back and forth to remove chaff and oil deposits. The sensor will tend to turn almost black after a day of roasting; clean the sensor as close to white as possible. DO NOT allow the temperature sensor to get wet during cleaning.

How to clean the Roast Chamber?

It is important that the roast chamber be cleaned after every roast to prevent the build-up of oils on the glass surface as well as the bottom plate. Wiping the roast chamber glass and bottom plate with a dry terry cloth or paper towel after every roast will reduce the build-up of oils. At the end of each day, clean the entire roast chamber inside and out with a towel, warm water, and mild detergent. DO NOT soak or put the roast chamber in a dishwasher as it will damage the gaskets.

How to clean the Chaff Screen?

After every roast, clean the chaff collector with the wire brush. Cleaning is accomplished by aggressively scrubbing both sides with a wire brush around the perimeter (outside edge) of the ring and then cleaning the middle wires in both directions. Once a week, soak the chaff screen in a commercial cleanser.

How to clean the Smoke Box Assembly?

Once a day, wipe the inside of the smoke box assembly using a scotchbrite pad. The assembly should be cleaned down to the metal finish. This will prevent excessive smoke build up.

How to clean the Chaff Collector?

After every roast, vacuum or wipe out the loose chaff from the chaff collector. Clean the inside and both ends of chaff wall with dry terry cloth or paper towel to remove loose chaff.

Is your roaster experiencing congested air flow?

Check your air vents and vacuum or wipe down with a dry cleaning cloth, if needed. Remove the access plate for the blower, check the blades of the fan – they may have built-up debris which restricts the blades from performing correctly. After you wipe them down with a dry terry cloth towel vacuum out the squirrel cage of any debris or chaff. This should be done at least every six months depending on the frequency of use.

How many pounds of green beans should be added to my roaster?

The 1 and 2 pound roaster is designed to operate correctly with a fixed volume of green beans. For the 1 pound roaster, fill the supplied measuring can level to the top. The measuring can fills approximately 1.4 pounds of green beans. For the 2 pound roaster, fill 2 cans of green beans level to the top, which is equivalent to 2.8 pounds of green beans. DO NOT use less or more than the required measurements, as this will dramatically alter the roasting process.