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Get All the Benefits of Roasting Specialty Grade Coffee Without the Overhead

Coffee Roasting Machines
Start slow or jump right in! Getting all of the benefits of roasting specialty grade coffee without the overhead is now available.

  1. Choose Your Roaster.
  2. Join the Monthly Coffee Club.
  3. Start Roasting Your Own Special Blend of Coffee.

Because we understand that initial operating costs can add up quickly, we decided to offer an affordable leasing program for our state-of-the-art coffee roasting machines. One low monthly payment and a minimum green coffee bean order is all it takes for you to have access to one of the best coffee roasting machines available on the market today– the Sonofresco Roaster!

Sonofresco Roaster is a unique roaster that stands out from the rest. Available in 1 pound and 2 pound roasting options, this quality coffee roaster simply allows you to create your perfect roast profile; especially with our Advanced Definition Roasting (ADR) controller from which you can create and store an unlimited amount of custom coffee roasting profiles.

Sonofresco Roaster is also lightweight; hence, adding convenience to transport it anywhere you need to go, making it a perfect for those who own a mobile business.

To learn more about our affordable leasing program please visit or for any questions or enquiries please contact Sonofresco at 866-271-7666 or email

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