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Brazil Cerrado – Conventional

From $5.21 / lb

Brazil Cerrado – Conventional

The flavor of this coffee is a delightful experience for the senses, with the taste of mature, chocolate-toned fruit that is entirely devoid of any sharpness or acidity. With moderate aging, the coffee’s flavor becomes more well-rounded, while its body develops a deep, creamy, and full texture.

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  • Cupping Notes: Nutty Dark choc , low acidity, med /rich body, nice crème.
  • Region: Cerrado region in the state of Minas Gerais
  • Process: Natural process
  • Grade: 1

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  • Varietal: Mundo Novo, Yellow Catuai, Red Catuai
  • Altitude: 900 – 1200 meters
  • Certification:


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