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Ethiopia Harrar – Conventional

From $6.81 / lb

Ethiopia Harrar – Conventional


Historically, Ethiopia has been recognized as the birthplace of coffee. Ethiopia is located in the horn of Africa and is bordered by Somalia to the southeast, Djibouti to the east, Kenya to the south, Sudan to the east, and Eritrea to the northeast.

If you think all coffees tend to taste the same, you will be in for a surprise when you taste this opulently sweet, blueberry-toned coffee. Harrar is one of the world’s most ancient and traditional coffees, and one of the most exotic in the cup displaying heavy body and amazing fruit character.

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  • Cupping Notes: Heavy berry, lemon, stone fruit, dark chocolate
  • Region: Harrar
  • Process: Natural, Sun-dried
  • Grade: 1

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  • Varietal: Heirloom Varieties
  • Altitude: 1510-2120 m.a.s.l
  • Certification:


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