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Honduras FTO

From $6.06 / lb

Honduras FTO

Sourced from Café Organico Marcala, S.A. (COMSA), a cooperative of farmers that was started in 2000 to become organically certified, in a protected designation of origin within the department of La Paz, Honduras. COMSA has also significantly increased the participation of women within the organization, which has resulted in a successful women’s group that has established their own farmers’ market to sell home-grown organic produce.

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  • Cultivars: Typica, Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai
  • Processing Method: Washed and Natural, Sun-dried on shaded raised beds.
  • Region: La Paz, Comayagua Sur, Intibuca (Central and South– Eastern region of Hon-duras.
  • Harvest: December to March

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  • Certification: Fair Trade, Organic
  • Cupping Notes: Smooth, Caramel, Stone Fruit, Syrupy mouthfeel with bright berry acidity and floral aftertaste.
  • Altitude: 1700– 2200 masl
  • Aroma: Dark chocolate, blackberry, floral


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