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Nicaragua – FTO

On Sale: From $4.88 / lb

Nicaragua – FTO

Nicaraguan FTO green beans offer a distinct flavor profile that sets them apart. With a medium body and a mild, balanced acidity, Nicaraguan FTO green beans provide a smooth and approachable drinking experience. The taste is characterized by notes of caramel and chocolate, accompanied by a subtle nuttiness and a touch of citrus.

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  • Cultivars: Catuai, Caturram Maragogype, Catimore
  • Grade: 1
  • Processing Method: Washed; patio dried
  • Region: Murra, Nueva Segovia
  • Harvest: October to March

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  • Altitude: 950-1350 feet above sea level
  • Cupping Notes: Tropical fruit, herby, citrus
  • Aroma: sweet, floral, fruity, dry coco


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