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Sumatra FTO

From $6.62 / lb

Sumatra FTO

The aroma of Sumatra FTO is rich with deep, spicy notes that pack a punch, along with hints of papaya and chocolate. When you take a sip, you’ll find it to be medium-bodied, with a smooth richness and a low-toned flavor profile that’s full of complexity. It’s like a fruit explosion, featuring papaya and black cherry flavors, with a subtle hint of dry chocolate lingering on the palate.

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  • Cultivars: 25% Bourbon, 25% Catimor, 50% Ateng
  • Grade: Grade 1/double picked
  • Processing Method: Semi Washed
  • Region: Northeast corner of Aceh (ah-chay) Indonesia, Sumatra

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  • Harvest: October-June
  • Altitude: 1200-1600 meters
  • Cupping Notes:Nice heavy body, earthy, consistent, clean
  • Certification: Fair Trade, Organic


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