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Peru FTO
From $7.20 / lbPeru FTO offers a delicate, sweet aroma with fragrant, floral notes. The cup…
Peru FTO Café Femenino
From $7.30 / lbBrazil FTO Café Femenino offers a spicy, floral aroma with sweet undertones. The…
Nicaragua FTO Café Femenino
From $6.02 / lbBrush, Wire Chaff Screen
$3.74Brush, Wire Chaff Screen
Advanced Definition Roasting
$250.00 – $450.00Become a “master roaster” by creating custom roasting profiles using Sonofresco’s Advanced Definition…
2lb Chaff Screen
$50.00Two pound coffee roaster replacement chaff screen.
Malawi FT Mzuzu AA
From $5.13 / lbSumatra Mandheling - Conventional
From $7.94 / lbSumatra Arabica Grade 1 Mandheling is a high-quality coffee loved by coffee drinkers…
Papua New Guinea NOP Enorga Organic
From $5.97 / lbEnjoy the rich flavors of Papua New Guinea NOP Enorga Organic, with notes…
Regulator and Hose LP
$22.00L.P. 48′, All propane models
Sumatra FTO
From $7.95 / lbSumatra FTO has a rich, spicy aroma with hints of papaya and chocolate.…
Sensor Upgrade w/ board 2lb Pre 14'
$250.00With board – PRE 2014 Two pound Roasters
Green Bean Measure Can
$6.00Replacement measuring can for both one and two pound coffee roasters.
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe - Conventional
From $8.35 / lbA distinctive coffee from Africa and one of the best highland-grown coffees. This washed Yirgacheffe displays…
2lb Roast Chamber
$275.00Complete Roast Chamber Assembly - Direct Replacement for Sonofresco 2-Pound Coffee Roaster
Emperor’s Organic Espresso Blend
From $7.40 / lbSimilar to the Emperor’s Selection Espresso Blend, this coffee offers a heavier body…
Dancing Star Blend
From $7.46 / lbThis harmonious blend of exotic beans results in a rich, flavorful taste with…