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The Roaster Sessions

Hosted by Organic Products Trading Company

Skill Building Sessions for Coffee Roasters

Please join us for the March Roaster Sessions to be held at Organic Products Training Company on Thursday, March 1, 2018. We will explore Coffee Aromatics and the Dynamics of Flavor followed up with a Designing Blends Workshop.

Session fee per person is $95.00
Class date: March 1, 2018, 12:30 – 4:30 pm
Space is limited, so please call OPTCO at 888.881.4433 or Kathi at 307.690.7672 to confirm your reservation for this session.

Le Nez du Cafe
Discuss the aroma of coffee and discover how aroma and taste combine to produce the sensation of flavor in coffee. Practice identifying the aromas and what processes affect them and overall flavor. Evaluate yourself with a self-test at the end of the workshop. 12:30 – 2:00 pm

Designing Blends
Open discussion regarding blend styles and sciences behind creating a blend. Hands-on blend development with a purpose. Similar to current blend trends in the wine industry, take part in building a blend to meet specific criteria of flavor and desired results. 2:30 – 4:30 pm

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