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Top 3 Reasons to Buy Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee Beans

Sonofresco offers customers an excellent selection of high-quality, environmentally-friendly coffee beans sourced from top bean-producing regions

Sonofresco offers customers an excellent selection of high-quality, environmentally-friendly coffee beans sourced from top bean-producing regions including Uganda, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Discerning coffee drinkers will enjoy rich flavors when brewing our coffee beans and can take their coffee consumption to the next level by sampling special espresso or coffee blends specifically created by Sonofresco.

Both home coffee connoisseurs as well as commercial coffee sellers will not only enjoy the taste of our coffee but can also feel good about purchasing coffee from Sonofresco since many of our beans are Rainforest Alliance Certified.

Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee Beans

Here are three key reasons why it is important to use Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee beans:

  • The Rainforest Alliance is committed to conserving biodiversity:

    Rainforests provide the habitat for 80 percent of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. Unfortunately, thousands of species go extinct annually throughout the world as the planet goes through a phase that scientists are describing as the sixth mass extinction. Up to half of all species may disappear entirely by 2050. The Rainforest Alliance helps to promote biodiversity by conserving standing forests, rejuvenating degraded land, protecting rivers and streams and training agricultural workers. The efforts of the Alliance work. One survey of 86 coffee farms in Santander, Colombia, revealed farms certified by Rainforest Alliance had 50 percent more tree species than uncertified farms.

  • The Rainforest Alliance is fighting to build strong forests and healthy communities:

    Each day, 132,000 acres of rainforest are lost. These forests provide more than 1.6 billion people throughout the world with their livelihood. The forests provide shelter and medicine and, for centuries, the forests have been revered by communities who honor their ancestral forest homes. Indigenous people own just 10 percent of all land, and their futures are constantly under threat. Protecting forests means ensuring the continuation of forest communities that are rich in knowledge and tradition. Indigenous populations are displaced when forests are destroyed, and vulnerable workers are often victims of human rights abuses. Rainforest Alliance protects the rights of indigenous people by helping to preserve, protect, and rebuild forests.

  • The Rainforest Alliance is helping in the global fight against climate change and climate chaos:

    Rainforests limit the reflectivity of the earth and help to stabilize global climate patterns. Climate change is a grave threat to the long-term survival of the planet, with greenhouse gas emissions impacting wind patterns, ocean currents, and rainfall. With 134M metric tons of greenhouse gases emitted into the air daily, rainforests play a vital role in helping to minimize the tremendous long-term damage caused by carbon pollution.

By choosing Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee beans, you can enjoy guilt-free and delicious coffee while knowing that you are making a positive impact in the world and are supporting a company that truly cares about the planet. For further information or to peruse and shop from our selection of coffee beans for sale please visit or contact Sonofresco at 866-271-7666 with any questions.

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