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Sonofresco commercial coffee roasters are designed to enhance your business by bringing the art of profile coffee roasting down to an easy to use platform.
Regardless if you are new to the coffee industry or a seasoned veteran, the Sonofresco roaster allows for you to learn about coffee as you grow your business or incorporate batch roasting into a full-scale roasting operation as a sample and small batch roaster. Roasting within a retail environment adds a degree of theater that engages the customer and allows the opportunity to educate about what quality coffee is, the benefits of freshness and tell a story. Additionally, your retail operation will benefit from the added revenue stream of whole bean sales, lower costs, and inventory control.
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Green coffee costs less
Roasted coffee can wholesale anywhere from $8.00 to as much as $15.00/lb. and will stale within 7-10 days. Unroasted coffee, on the other hand, can be purchased for as little as $3.75/lb., a substantial savings. And, it lasts for up to a year unroasted!
So, what’s the cost of operation?
The roasters are automated, require little labor, and will average $.06/lb. for fuel and electrical costs. The total labor between a roast is about 45 seconds, at the end of the day, plan on 10-15 minutes to clean the roaster and prepare for the next roasting day.
Where can I use the coffee roaster?
Well, we wouldn’t recommend the shower, but pretty much anywhere else. The light weight, portable, and small footprint allows for installation in most any setting. Here are only a few of the installations our customers have come up with:
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- Drive through espresso stands
- Cafes/ Restaurants
- Hotels
- Large scale roasting operations
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- Culinary schools
- Bakeries
- Farmers markets
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- In the garage at home
- Mobile espresso trucks
- Fundraisers
But really, why?
The roasted coffee you are buying is most likely being offered right next door, supplied from the same local roaster that everybody else is buying from at a much higher price. Roasting your own coffee allows you to offer your customer a truly unique, fresh product, roasted to your standards when and how you want it. Additionally, you are adding an experience that the customer will not get anywhere else, how many people have seen a green bean, let alone the roasting process? By building your own brand, you are setting your business apart from the crowd.
Whether you run a commercial operation, retail shop, home-based coffee business, or simply starting a new hobby, Sonofresco roasters offer the tools to create exclusive flavor profiles in batches as small as 1/4 lb. or produce up to 55 lbs. of retail-ready coffee in an 8-hour period.
There is no limit to how far your retail or home-based coffee business can go when you have the power to roast every batch of beans to perfection. In addition to the great look and small footprint of our roasters, you can enjoy the upgrade in your business’s ambiance when you bring the roasting in-house.
Sonofresco roasters will help you take your business to the next level.
Learn more about the Sonofresco coffee roaster[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]