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Costa Rica Tarrazu SHB Washed

From $5.87 / lb

Costa Rica Tarrazu SHB Washed green beans are unroasted coffee beans that come from the Tarrazu region of Costa Rica. These beans are known for their high quality, as they are strictly hard beans grown at high altitudes, resulting in a dense and complex flavor profile.

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  • Growing Altitude: 1200-1800 meters above sea level
  • Region: Tarrazu
  • Arabica Variety: Caturra, Catuai
  • Harvest Period: December – February
  • Milling Process: Washed, Drum Dried

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  • Aroma: Intense, Fragrant, Brown Sugar
  • Flavor: Citrus, Tropical Fruit, Apricot
  • Body: Round
  • Acidity: Lively, Bright


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