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Kenya AA – Conventional

From $6.84 / lb

Kenya AA – Conventional

The Nguvu is a blend of coffees harvested from small-holder cooperatives the Murang’a district. The area is considered the traditional home of the Kikuyu tribe, which currently makes up 22% of the Kenyan population. Red, loamy soil and startlingly high altitudes contribute to a juicy, berry-flavored cup. Above, the Gatuya mill, one of the major contributors to the Nguvu blend.

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  • Cupping Notes: Cane sugar, intense stone fruit flavors, lemony, herbaceous florals, clean, juicy, complex acidity. Molasses, rich body. Even sweeter as it cools. Sparkling.
  • Region: Murang’a
  • Process: Fully washed, sun-dried on raised beds

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  • Grade: AA
  • Varietal: SL28, Ruiru 11
  • Altitude: 1750 masl


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