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Ethiopian Sidamo Natural FTO

From $5.30 / lb

Ethiopian Sidamo Natural FTO

Another of the classic Ethiopian coffee regions, Sidamo coffees are known for medium body, delicate fruits, spice, and citrus. Our FTO Natural Sidamo fits the bill.

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  • Cultivars: Heirloom Ethiopian Varieties
  • Grade: 3
  • Processing Method: Natural, Sun-Dried
  • Region: Sidamo Africa
  • Harvest: May-October: Fly crop December– February

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  • Altitude: 1550-2200 meters
  • Cupping Notes: Good body, medium acidity, well-balanced, occasionally ordinary and sometimes with a hint of fruity and wild taste.
  • Aroma: Fruity character, light berry notes, medium body and balanced sweetness
  • Certifications: Fair Trade, Organic


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