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Tanzanian Peaberry

From $5.78 / lb

Tanzanian Peaberry

Tanzania is from high grown estates in Southern Tanzania (Lunji, Utengule, and Kanji Lanji Estates) and Northern Tanzania (Mondul, Burka, Ngila, and Lyamungu Estates).

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  • Cultivars: Bourbon and Kent
  • Grade: 1
  • Processing Method: CPU– Fully Washed
  • Region: Mbeya near the village of Llembo ( Northern and Southern Tanzania)
  • Harvest: June– August

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  • Altitude: 1400-1800 meters
  • Organic: No
  • Cupping Notes: Black Tea, kiwi, lemon and blackberry notes with a balanced complex
  • Aroma: Fruity, full body, chocolate toned fruit.


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