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Burundi Conventional
From $6.54 / lbBurundi green coffee beans are renowned for their exceptional quality and distinctive characteristics.…
1lb Chaff Wall
$34.00Chaff wall for 1LB Roasters
Brazil FT Organic
From $8.32 / lbBrazil FT Organic features a nutty aroma with hints of almond and cocoa,…
2lb Chaff Wall
$40.00Chaff wall for 2LB Roasters
Control Board (GAS) Bluetooth compatible
$220.00Control Board (GAS) for 1LB and 2LB Roasters - Bluetooth compatible
Ignitor Probe
$20.00Ignitor Probe for 1LB and 2LB Roasters
CR2 Blower, 2lb Roaster
$665.00CR2 Blower for 2LB Roasters
CR1S Blower, 1lb Roaster
$680.00CR1S Blower for 1LB Roasters
Kit, Fuel Conversion To Natural Gas, CR2 Post 2024
$400.00Kit, Fuel Conversion To Natural Gas, CR2 Post 2024
Kit, Fuel Conversion To Propane, CR2 Post 2024
$410.00Kit, Fuel Conversion To Propane, CR2 Post 2024
Kenya AA - Conventional
From $7.84 / lbThe Nguvu is a blend of coffees harvested from small-holder cooperatives the Murang’a…
Java Organic Kayumas Taman Dadar
From $8.27 / lbDiscover the rich flavors of Java Organic Kayumas Taman Dadar Green Coffee, grown…
Malawi FT Mzuzu AA
From $5.13 / lbThis AA grade coffee is comprised of the Taste of Harvest competition lots…
2lb Chaff Seal
$18.50Chaff Seal , All two pound roaster models.
Honduras FTO
From $7.06 / lbRated 5.00 out of 5
Sourced from Café Organico Marcala, S.A. (COMSA), a cooperative of farmers that was…
Mexico Chiapas FTO Café Femenino
From $7.00 / lbRated 3.67 out of 5
Mexico Chiapas FTO Café Femenino is a specialty coffee sourced from female coffee…
Mexico Royal Select FTO Decaf
From $7.76 / lbThis decaf coffee is perfect for any season and boasts a delicious taste.…
Nicaragua - FTO
From $7.02 / lbNicaraguan FTO green beans offer a distinct flavor profile that sets them apart.…